WISC (Women In Supramolecular Chemistry) is an international network creating a sense of kinship and providing support for women. In doing so, we aim to support the retention and career progression of women of all career stages within our community.
The WISC terms of reference can be downloaded here.
WISC uses an inclusive definition of women from the Women in Academia Support Network (with permission).[1] We are a place for those who identify as women, including trans women, genderqueer women, and non-binary people who are significantly female-identified to share their experiences of professional and family life.
WISC believe that everyone should be included and welcomed in conversations about equality, diversity and inclusion, because building a fairer system benefits everyone. Our training workshops and events are open to participants of any gender, and all are welcome to access our online resources.
For our terms of reference see:
[1] https://www.facebook.com/groups/905644729576673/about; @wiasnofficial
"When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else. This is not just a grab-bag candy game.”
Toni Morrison
A New Era: Anna McConnell is the new Chair of WISC
Anna is taking on this role as Jen Hiscock steps down and moves to our Advisory Board after 3 fantastic years. Read our statement here.
Career Development Session
Building External Collaborations/Networks as an ECR
Panel discussion as part of the vMASC series
27th October 2022
Panel members:
Dr Marion Kieffer - InnoMedica
Dr George Williams - University of Birmingham,
Prof. Michelle Garrett - University of Kent, @MichelleDGarre2
Dr Helen Shipton - Katalytik
Pre-submit questions here!
WONKHE blog post
Read it here!
We are happy to share a new blog post on
Hearing marginalised voices in science
by Jennifer Leigh on WONKHE.
Special Issue on 1st Gen in Supramolecular Chemistry
More info: https://bit.ly/3uUWpaZ
This Special Issue in Supramolecular Chemistry is a call for research groups to highlight members of their team, irrespective of gender, who are 1st Generation through the addition of an extended bio to all manuscripts submitted, highlighting how the manuscript author(s) fit this call. It is our hope that through this special issue we can inspire more 1st generation supramolecular chemists to enter and remain within the field of supramolecular chemistry.
Submission deadline Nov 10, 2022!
2nd WISC publication
Read it here!
We are really happy to share that the second WISC paper Managing research throughout COVID-19: Lived experiences of supramolecular chemists is out online in Chem!
Free access until March 24th 2022!
Sign up for the 1st International Summer School in Supramolecular Chemistry
Workshop dates: 29th May - 2nd June 2022.
Location: Santa Margherita di Pula (Italy).
Register here!
WISC/ vMASC workshop
The 1st WISC/ vMASC skills training workshop was held in Cagliari in a hybrid format in September 2021. Thanks to all of our speakers, attendees and sponsors for your amazing contributions to this event! The workshop report is available here.
Join us on Zoom on 28th January 2021! See our events page for more details and joining links.